The DCA feature in BONKbot allows you to automate periodic buy or sell orders to smooth out the effects of market volatility and help you manage your positions more strategically.
How It Works
Enable DCA
Tap the DCA button to activate the feature. When enabled, periodic transactions for buying or selling Bonk will be scheduled based on your configurations.
Set Your Interval
Choose the time interval for your DCA actions (e.g., every 1 minute). This determines how frequently BONKbot will execute a buy or sell order.
Define Number of Transactions
Specify the total number of transactions you want to occur within the DCA schedule. For example, setting 10 transactions with a 1-minute interval will execute one transaction every minute for the next 10 minutes.
Customize Slippage Tolerance
Adjust the Slippage settings (e.g., 10%) to control the maximum allowable price impact per transaction, ensuring trades are executed within your acceptable limits.
Trigger Buy or Sell Amounts
Use preset buttons to execute DCA actions. Examples:
DCA Buy 0.50 SOL: Buys the equivalent of 0.50 SOL worth of $BONK at each interval.
DCA Sell 50%: Sells 50% of your $BONK holdings gradually over the specified transactions.
Last updated