Hide Tokens
Last updated
Last updated
By default, BONKbot displays all token balances in your wallet. However, you have the option to manually hide tokens to reduce clutter in your wallet and/or remove suspicious airdrops.
The Manage Tokens menu displays a high level overview of your token balances and enables a few key actions for token management.
Token Overview
SOL Balance
Number of unique tokens owned
Frozen tokens
Hidden tokens (Minimum Position Value)
Hidden tokens (Manual)
Total token value (USD / SOL)
Token Management
Hide Tokens Below Min Pos Value
Manage Hidden
Swap and Burn (coming soon)
To Hide and Manage tokens, follow these steps:
Open the Sell & Manage page from the BONKbot home menu
Flip through your positions and select the hyperlinked Hide Token button for any tokens that you would like to hide - you will receive a confirmation message for each successfully hidden token
Return to the home page and navigate to the Wallet menu
Select Manage Tokens from the Wallet menu
Select Manage Hidden from the Manage Tokens menu to view your hidden tokens and unhide them
As you may know, you can update Minimum Position Value from the BONKbot Settings page. You can also update this value directly from the Manage Tokens menu.
In this example, the user starts with 2 manually hidden tokens and 0 hidden by Minimum Position Value. The user updates Min Pos Value from $1 to $40. Upon refreshing the Manage Tokens menu, two positions valued under $40 are now hidden.